Alphartol Cordyceps
Thứ 3, 12/07/2016
Cordyceps is a rare and ancient medicine. In traditional medicine remedies since ancient times, cordyceps is such as rejuvenation medicine, helping to restore health and rejuvenate the body Therefore, there are many health care products today derived from this valuable medicine, typically Alphartol cordyceps product of Alpharco assists health promotion effectiveness, quick and safe.
Composition of Alphartol cordyceps product: Main component is 100% natural cordyceps and other precious herbs such as ginseng, spirulina, vitamins, honey ...
Uses: The ingredients are natural cordyceps, so Alphartol cordyceps health improvement product is full of valuable effects like cordyceps.
+ Alphartol Cordyceps product helps to improve health, reduce fatigue and provide rapid health recovery.
+ Helping to strengthen resistance, increase energy and fight diseases.
+ Improving immunity and especially helping to improve memory.
+ Also, Alphartol product supports in slowing the aging process of the body, thereby helping to beautify the skin and prolong adolescence.
+ Also, with components of cordyceps precious herb which enhances the sedative effect, lowers blood cholesterol, enhances erectile effects, prevent impotence and decreases illness in the elderly.
Alphartol Cordyceps product for health improvement can be used for all ages, particularly suitable for the athletes having intensive training, students studying for exams, people working under tension, people recovered from sickness or post-surgerical patients, people with chronic diseases, depression, and people who work in dusty and smoke environment.
Instructions and preservation:
Take the capsules after meal
Adults and teenagers: take 2 times daily, 1 capsule each time
Storage: in dry and cool place, avoid direct contact with sunlight.
* Note: This product is not a medicine and cannot replace medicine.
Alphartol cordyceps product of Alpharco is currently the top quality product which helps to enhance health effectively and rapidly with many useful effects in prevention and treatment of various diseases. It has always been trusted and used by customers.
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